Xenxo S-Ring – The World’s Smart Wearable Ring

Think!!! Think!!! Think!!!

Reading the word “Ring”, what is ringing in your head?

People who are deeply involved in smartphones might be thinking about the best phone ring, people madly in love would be contemplating about engagement rings. But you know what; this article is not about any of the above.

Ridiculous! You might be thinking, if not this then what else….well, don’t run wild with your imagination…No, No…not doorbell ring, not even Bluetooth ring…Naah…not even your WEDDING RING…Get Out Of It…I am talking about Smart Ring. A ring that is the manifestation of today’s cutting edge technology and what all we have achieved when we say technology is at our fingertips.

Xenxo S-Ring, the smartest smart ring, which you can wear without even getting hitched 😉

Forget about loading yourself with so many accessories to keep a track of your activities. This smart ring is loaded with all the smart features and packed as one single, wearable device. Life could have never been so simple and easy, where you would get access to all the features with a single touch…A revolutionary ring designed to make your life simpler and easier. Moreover the smart ring is light, safe and difficult to lose unlike other gadgets. Wooh!!

This wearable smart ring, can answer your phone call and keep your conversation private, even if, you are in a meeting. If you are in some place outside, amidst the honks and shouts, worry no more; feel free to take the call. Unlike other mobile phones, this comes with a built-in earpiece, microphone, and microcontroller which reduces external noise, thus you can hear and answer calls without any hassle.

This ring can be worn also as a wedding ring and comes with smart features…Cool Man…it can track your health by counting your steps and giving you details like how much calories you consumed, what is your heart rate, how much you walked…keeping your health, in sync with itself…What more can you think of…Well, there are still a lot of features, so just read on…

It comes with an activated SOS, so when you are in distress, then it will automatically make calls to your near and dear ones. So, you can never be in danger again with Xenxo S-Ring. Your protector and life guardian…Your Superman…Haha…Super Ring

You can also store files and do back up from wherever you are and no need for a laptop or any cumbersome device.

It is in total control of your motion (That is the best part, I mean who is in total control, now a days…Chuckle!!), so you can control your appliances with the wave of your palm. So simple isn’t it.

And as usual, with the advent of technology, we are more prone to memory loss, and we tend to forget our phones here and there, just to search for it frantically afterward…Not anymore. It comes with an automated alarm, which will buzz you whenever you are missing out on your mobile phone. So you won’t forget your phone anytime, anywhere.

It also is aligned with SIRI and Google Assistant, which will help you to notify the time and set alarm for you. Still, need to explore more

You don’t need to carry your wallet; you can make payments for your purchases with a mere tap, as simple as that….Wooow. What the heck?

No Need to carry your keys, it is an alternate for your door keys. You can unlock your smart doors with your smart ring…Pheeewww!! List is on and on.

You won’t need your alarm clock, it will vibrate and wake you up without even disturbing your loved ones’ sleep. Cooool…

It is waterproof. Long lasting and one of the best wearable smart rings you can possibly find, after hearing about this umpteen features loaded smart ring, you might be thinking, why a wedding ring let us go for Smart Ring…Let us get Hitched with Xenxo S-Ring. Because Smart People Need Smart Rings. Let your Wedding ring be smart, Gift your better half Xenxo S-Ring.

Learn More

3 thoughts on “Xenxo S-Ring – The World’s Smart Wearable Ring

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